Animated Centiped Tail
Unlimited and cheaper on my payhip!
New basic centiped tail with animation !
Basic texture, you can create your own texture with substance 3D painter !
39'840 Tris
Rigged and weight painted
You can adjust the shape by modifying the armature and create your own animation
Comes with a unity package, inside you have the prefab centipede tail, the fbx, the base animations and the base texture!
terms and conditions:
To publish a public avatar with this asset!
To share for free on any site or discord!
To used for malicious purposes
Take pieces of this asset!
To use this asset on a commercial avatar on condition of being credited.
To make changes as long as the prohibitions are respected.
thank you for your support by buying my assets!
you can contact me if you have a problem or other!
unity package